June 2014 - j3digital

WordPress Means Business

By | WordPress | No Comments

wordpress-logo-stacked-rgbWhat is WordPress? and Why should your small business website run on WordPress?

Well, for starters, did you know that the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times websites run on WordPress?  From big businesses to small businesses WordPress can take care of your website needs.

One of the most amazing things about using WordPress as a content management system to power your website, it’sfree. Now please don’t assume that because its free it has little value. In the same way Yahoo mail and Google mail are both free and invaluable at the same time, so too is WordPress.

With a $10 a yr domain name and a $5 a month web hosting fee, your business’s website can be up and running on a world-class content management system.

The real advantage to running your website on WordPress CMS is that it makes it so simple to update your own website that even the most technically challenged can easily add photos, or update business information that in the past you would’ve had to call your webmaster and wait for them to make the changes.

WordPress makes it as simple as logging into your website and inputting the information just like you would on a simple word document. Click publish and Voila! You are now a webmaster!